Hey Words 1
From the Gesenius Hebrew and English Lexicon
Index of Hebrew to English words
Hey 238 | Tender grass, skilled, Dothan, Dothain, Dathan, hey, this
Hey 239 | Objects, classes, species, quick
Hey 240 | Objects, classes, Job
Hey 241 | Lo, behold, aha, joy, gifts, offerings, breathe, vain, seduce to vanity, breathing
Hey 242 | Vain, empty, fruitess, to cut up, divide, Hege, Hegai, murmer, mutter, growl, meditate, heat, set on fire
Hey 243 | Separated, taken away, drive-off-impel, muttering, meditation, suitable, commodious, convenient, flee, Hagar, Hagri, flight, Hejrah, Bahrein, echo, shout of joy, rejoicing, counsellors, counselors, leaders, governors, to break, Hadad
Hey 244 | Hadadezer, Hadad-rimmon, throw, stretch, hidhus, sidhus, Hadoram, tread, trample, trodden, membrum, member, stool, footstool, hasten, myrtle, Hadassah, swell, swollen, tumid
Hey 245 | Ornament, swelling, honor, honour, dedication, splendour, adornment, grief, wo, alas, he, she, this
Hey 246 | Jehovah our King, that place, God is my judge, swell, breast, strength
Hey 247 | Splendour, majesty, Hod, Hodaviah, Hodeiah, Hodijah, to be, exist, breathing, breath, desire, strive, rush headlong, to fall, seeing, sawest, will be, may be, desire, cupidity, fall, ruin, mischief, injury, wickedness, mischievous, calamity, Hoham
Hey 248 | Grief, to go, to talk, walk. motion, commotion. noise, riches. wealth, to be light, substance, enough, mountain, Hor, Hoshama, Oshea, Hoshea, Hosea, Hoshaiah, to dream
Hey 249 | Dreams, wailing, lamentation, she, shout, battle-shout, choirs, to come to pass, to begin, established, arisen
Hey 250 | To become
Hey 251 | To become, to pass, to be done, beathe, blow, fall, ruin, calamity, how, edifice, palace, large building, temple
Hey 252 | Palace, temple, wail, lament, light-giving, radiant, heman, hin, stupify, stun, regarding, respect, thither, afar off, stand off
Hey 253 | Further, forward, onward, rejoicign, thanksgiving, going, steps, ways, caravans, companies, camest, ships going, passing through
Hey 254 | Go into, enter, accompany, company, to walk uprightly, away, depart, perish, going
Hey 255 | Going, growing, drawing, vanish, lead, to walk, to cause to go
Hey 256 | Flow, ravager, to walk, way, journey, wayferrer, traveller, way tax, toll, flow like honey, clear sharp sound, bright, candle shine, boast, ellell, boasters, proud, foolish, praise, celebrate, sing unto Jehovah, renowned, diviners, boast to glory, feign mad or madness, Hillel, to beat, to strike
Hey 257 | Smite, breakup, scattered, stroke, come hither, hammer, ham, mallet, Zuzim, wealth, riches, paranomasia, they, them, hum, hummel, summen, growl, snarl, sighing, moaning, noise making